Monday, January 31, 2011



< We may look strong >
< but there is not necessary try to be brave >
< when in front of your beloved >






End with Love


Sunday, January 30, 2011


因为那天妹妹讲:放酱大张照片做么噢?要吓死人咩?每次一开就看到大大个的人头 ~.~



昨天和我的HubbyJun 还有荟芝和她宝贝去了MidValley
讲好九点半出门,十点到Kajang去载她哒,还给她morning call。结果不懂太心奋还是什么,毕竟是第一次和他们去走街,7点多就起来了哇
芝讲她setalarm9点的囖。结果我8点多就给她morning call 了。

出门时,才知道Hubby有来Kajang station接我,兴奋下咯。
可是过后讲在Tasik Selatan等我哇

竟然miss2 train,原因是,full到够够力  ><
过后就遇到3条水囖,恩,瑾,舒。几久没见到她们了囖,样子没变 ^^

瑾说,下一趟她开路给我们上囖,结果我和芝先挤进去咯,boh bian啦,不挤的话就真的不用去了啦,那些人都不懂哪里来的,全部balik kampunggek
进到去koc wanita,竟然给那些人giap着,几不舒服下咯,空气又不流通,gook死了
想到next station会松一点的,因为有些人下车了。哪里知道,上的人比下的人还多,更pik了。根本就是全程giap着到MidValley的。虽然说跟阿吡是同一个train,但我根本是看不到他的,因为一来是我们不同车厢,二来是就算同个车厢,我也根本看不到他咯。

就打算去IT Fair才吃。但是,最后还是吃了先,secret recipe
挤着进,挤着出 ==
我是没什么收获啦,反正只是陪他去罢了的。他就有买到啦,pendrive囖。还一直等电话,原因是帮姐姐买 ><

接着就回了,吡陪我回kajang ^^

其实走到都不爽,一大早就miss 2 train,过后一直都是人挤人,回也是;还有,走的时候还一直夺命连环call,妈的~
讲我没大没小什么随便你,就是妈的sibeh dulan

minta maaf,最近脾气很不好,心情很不定,不要惹毛我!



,好久没见了。真的很高心我们有缘分在那里见到面。以后记得常联络啊  ( :

HubbyJun,你啊记得我说过的话了吗?如果有下次,记得抱紧我,不要只站我对面看着我,要保护我啊害到我又吓到芝了啦你。谢谢你在fair的时候有一直牵着我,多多人的时候也抱着我走,这样让我觉得很安全。谢谢你等我这个笨蛋那么久,因为一直等不到车 ) :

PS: an unforgettable day for me. my first time outing day with you guys ( :

( 毕 )

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something that no use for us to Regret

In life, we will have a lot of things that we did wrong and had mistaken.
Many things can be time to remedy.
We regret, and we learn from our mistake
but often something wrong, you can’t restore, can’t make up

some mistakes will be your memories forever
Totally, that’s bad memories, it will become a part of your bad memories
Those memories you will never can erase
You can don’t mention it, you can pretend to forget
However, it is just fooling yourself
Because no one can remove their own memories

and… I’m the ONE
I donwan to mention it and I try to make myself to forget
But I can’t do so
Thus, I will not repeat it, absolutely not!!
That was my childhood mistakes
I was naive. I do not think anything before I do it.

From now on, I hope you and me will have fond memories in our future ( :

by Jesl..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Categorical Imperative- Happiness

Kantian Theory : The Categorical Imperative

What about happiness?

Happiness is not to be ignored when making decisions in life. It is not unimportant. Kant does believe that, all other things being equal, it is better to be happy than to be miserable. And he wouldn't think that looking out for our own happiness is immoral. Looking out for people's happiness follows from their intrinsic and infinite value as autonomous, free, rational beings.

But happiness is, by far, not the most important thing when making moral decisions. For pleasure that comes at the expense of someone's freedom, of someone's life, is not worth it.

Kant believe that liers and cheats and abusers and exploiters don't have the moral right to be happy. Such happiness is undeserved.

According to utilitarian, there is a very close connection between human reason and happiness -- their calculative conception of reason is in the service of happiness. That is its primary function.

But Kant believes that happiness is not the unique possession of human beings. Nor does he think that reason is the best way of achieving it. We seem to be not particularly good at knowing what makes us happy. We seem to be not particularly good at knowing what makes others happy. The function of reason is not, primarily, to make ourselves or others happy, but to live rightly, come what may.

I grab tis from   <---clicky

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kinda Love tis Sem :p

**Don't feel bored with tis post ya,it's quite long but was interesting :p **

LOL…That’s wat I said that I love tis sem a lot because I had learnt a lot in tis sem ^^
I realize that im quite focus in tis sem’s class. Hope I can get more knowledge through tis sem.
hope can pass n get higher CGPA in final too.
but I’m quite busy n rush in tis sem ) :

Next week will be our holiday and everyone back to their hometown to celebrate Chinese New Year with their family. I’m juz feeling like normal lar…as well as can get angpau like wat I did as past year CNY. The same things gonna to continue .ntg special for me in tis CNY. What I wanT is juz hope can gather with my old friend, celebrate my dear friend, Jeckquline’s birthday, go IT fair with my hubby and get more n more angpau from my relative n so on…..

izzit simple CNY? yea…ntg is special for me and I think it will be a bored cny. Since my holiday juz 1 week n nid to rush for my tutorial works, assignment, presentation and also fight for my midterm after CNY. Its intensive class…had a lot to rush…I’m juz like a busy woman….
feel that my time is full dy. Enrichment with my day ( :

Today, I had learnt a lot.but actually I dislike that Mr Gan, which is my creative thinking class lecturer.i dislike he always like to blablaablaa…talk a lot of bullshit.feel bored during his class. He had delay his class after half our and yet he juz cancelled the

I hope have no any replacement class for it la. I hate his class coz yesterday he said that I’m late and no give me attendance lo. f***
Shit la him…only he can be late and we can’t. What the f*** reason? juz coz dat he is our lecturer? but don’t forget la, we still have to pay him 1 lo.WTH. Okay, let’s try if he late, we lock him outside the class la and say: ur late.count dat u r absent today,u no nid teach dy,go back yor hometown la.What will be going on? As wat Dr. Foo said, GO HELL la. Ahahaha

ok okay…let’s end here lar…I’m lazy to write much more dy :p
babai…and stay tuned for my next post yea ? ^^

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Playlist for CNY

Just have to read on the title and you already get what I means rite?
yea. That’s right! 
I had just created a playlist that all in Chinese New Year song.
I’m actually not really excited with this year CNY but I just like to hear the cny’s songs ^^
It make me feel that CNY is coming soon ( :


Today was my youngest brother, Jeremy’s  BirThDaY
H.A.P.P.Y.B.I.R.T.H.D.A.Y  to eeu [=
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. So? Just enjoy the trip in this whole year larr ( :
On your birthday, I wish you much pleasure and joy;
here, I hope all of your wishes come true.
may each hour and minute be filled with delight,
and your birthday be perfect for you!
Sorry for this year I had no cake and present for eeu…) :

Okay...gonna end here for tis post...
I'm kinda down now.....had no mood to post more. sry

PS: Biling, wanna try get a presnt for him?
I worry dat he feel unfair coz I gav eeu present last year and tis year i din prepare any present for him.....


Friday, January 21, 2011

wat? dunno....skip it~

the title look so weird ?

kay...interest with wats goin on?
juz read it :p
try to be patient ya ,while reading tis post.








I dunno wat I said. So, juz ignore it  >.<


I haven post about my trip to Taiwan  yet. 

Can i skip it? I'm really lazy to talk about dat. 

Sorry, can juz 4get about it? It really doesnt a nice trip. 

but can leave me comment if really wanna noe about dat trip, den oni i find some time to make it here^^

I will try to post something more interest here.

so? Stay Tuned ya   c: